
Animals that Hibernate

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id habitat diet averageHibernationDuration bodyTemperatureDrop heartRateReduction breathingRateReduction energySaved
Brown Bear Forests Omnivorous 180 10 20 5 50
Arctic Ground Squirrel Tundra Herbivorous 240 60 100 25 60
Common Poorwill Deserts Insectivorous 120 12 20 5 30
European Hedgehog Woodlands Insectivorous 150 40 50 10 70
Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur Tropical Forests Frugivorous 180 15 15 5 40
Box Turtle Forests and Grasslands Omnivorous 150 20 10 2 50
Big Brown Bat Caves and Forests Insectivorous 180 30 100 20 80
Alpine Marmot Mountains Herbivorous 180 50 90 15 70
Raccoon Forests and Urban Areas Omnivorous 120 10 30 5 40
Eastern Chipmunk Forests Omnivorous 90 10 20 5 30
Wood Frog Wetlands Insectivorous 180 30 0 0 60
Snapping Turtle Freshwater Omnivorous 180 20 10 2 50
Blanding's Turtle Freshwater Omnivorous 150 20 10 2 50
Garter Snake Grasslands Carnivorous 180 10 10 5 40
Bumblebee Gardens and Meadows Nectar and Pollen 210 20 10 10 60
Groundhog Fields and Forests Herbivorous 150 40 50 10 70
Bear Forests and Mountains Omnivorous 120 12 10 5 50
Jerboa Deserts Herbivorous 180 15 20 5 40
Little Brown Bat Caves and Forests Insectivorous 180 30 100 20 80
Deer Mouse Forests and Grasslands Omnivorous 180 20 10 5 50

Source: https://chatgpt.com/share/f3b49ff7-e9f5-41d0-9f23-ccc89214d995

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