

This demonstrates putting Tab Separated Values (TSVs) directly in Scroll files.
Although this approach is handy for small datasets, it does not scale as well as ScrollSets.
Name Transverse Longitudinal Medium Required Propagation Speed (m/s) Min Frequency (Hz) Max Frequency (Hz) Common Sources Primary Uses or Effects Key Characteristics Examples Impact on Environment/Humans
Electromagnetic Waves True False False 299792458 Varies Varies Sun, radio transmitters Communication, medical imaging, cooking Can travel in vacuum and through transparent media Radio broadcasts, X-rays Varies; UV can cause skin cancer
Sound Waves False True True 343 20 20000 Vibrating objects Communication, music, sonar Travels through elastic media Talking, concerts, ultrasound imaging Noise pollution can affect health and well-being
Seismic Waves True True True 3500 Varies Varies Earthquakes, explosions Earthquake engineering, oil exploration Can cause significant ground movement Earthquakes, nuclear testing Can cause extensive property damage and loss of life
Gravitational Waves True False False 299792458 0.0001 Varies Colliding black holes, neutron stars Astronomy, testing theories of gravity Ripples in spacetime Facilitated by LIGO and other observatories None known; mostly relevant for astrophysics
Thermal Waves False True True Varies Varies Varies Heating elements, sun Heating, climate control Move through conduction, convection, or radiation Heat in homes, atmospheric heat waves Heat waves can cause health issues and environmental stress
Chemical Waves False True True Varies Varies Varies Chemical reactions Chemical processing, biological signaling Propagation of reaction and diffusion Calcium waves in cells, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction Can be critical in biological processes
Combustion Waves False True True Varies Varies Varies Fire, explosions Fire safety, controlled burns Propagation of fire through combustible materials Wildfires, controlled burns Can cause massive destruction and pollution
Name Follows Inverse Square Law Complex Attenuation Other Attenuation Patterns
Electromagnetic Waves True False False
Sound Waves True False False
Seismic Waves False True False
Gravitational Waves True False False
Thermal Waves False False True
Chemical Waves False False True
Combustion Waves False True False

Chemical reaction wave:


Speed (meters per second, power of 10) Name
10^8 Gravitational Waves
10^8 Electromagnetic Waves
10^3 to 10^4 Detonation Waves (Combustion)
10^2 Sound Waves
10^1 to 10^2 Deflagration Waves (Combustion)
10^3 Seismic Waves
10^2 to 10^3 Thermal Waves (Heat Pulses)
10^-3 to 10^-2 Chemical Waves

Wave speed

EM Waves M/S (Powers of 10)
EM Waves 8
Gamma Rays 8
X-Rays 8
Ultraviolet (UV) Waves 8
Visible Light Waves 8
Infrared Waves 8
Microwaves 8
Radio Waves 8
Sound Waves (in air) 2
Sound Waves (in water) 3
Seismic Waves (P-waves) 3
Seismic Waves (S-waves) 3
Gravity Waves 8
Surface Water Waves 1
Capillary Waves -1
Conductive Heat Transfer -2 to 2
Convective Heat Transfer (gases) -1 to 0
Convective Heat Transfer (liquids) -1 to 1


EM Waves Inverse square
Gamma Rays Inverse square
X-Rays Inverse square
Ultraviolet (UV) Waves Inverse square
Visible Light Waves Inverse square
Infrared Waves Inverse square
Microwaves Inverse square
Radio Waves Inverse square
Sound Waves (in air) Exponential
Sound Waves (in water) Exponential
Seismic Waves (P-waves) Exponential
Seismic Waves (S-waves) Exponential
Gravity Waves Inverse square
Surface Water Waves Exponential
Capillary Waves Exponential
Conductive Heat Transfer Exponential
Convective Heat Transfer (gases) Exponential
Convective Heat Transfer (liquids) Exponential